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Set Top Box







“The Government is committed to ensuring that all who want it can have Internet access by 2005, a goal which supports the drive to get all government services online and to make the UK the best environment in the world for e-commerce”.

This statement by the government leaves local authorities facing a significant challenge to meet government modernisation and e-Business strategy objectives and to embrace exponential technology developments.

The Government's strategy is to ensure that:

  1. everyone is aware of both the benefits of the Internet and the support available to help them access it, if they want to do so

  2. everyone who wants it has easy, affordable access to the Internet and; this access is accompanied by significant levels of use, by addressing the key barriers of:

- motivation
- trust
- skills

The Government is committed to improving access to the Internet from a range of platforms:

  1. in the community;

  2. at home via the personal computer(PC);

  3. at home via digital television (DTV) and set top boxes

  4. on the move via mobile devices

Net Suppliers range of set top boxes provides the ideal solution to providing Internet access, in line with government objectives, to local authorities. We have already supplied and installed 700 Netboxes to Somerset County Council as part of their Pathfinder Project. The Netbox provides email and Internet access to sites such as UK Online and benefits from:

Instant access to the internet with or without a digital television

No need for satellite dishes

Does not require digital cabling, easily installed

No costs such as a Sky license or subscription

Full size infra red keyboard

Unit cost of under £100

As an ISP we are able to provide metered or unmetered access at a reasonable price. We also provide a 0845 helpline for those who are unfamiliar with using e-mail or the internet. Metered or unmetered access is available and for anyone using the internet for four minutes a day this is a more cost effective option than Sky even without considering the Sky subscription charges. The lack of access to the internet by disadvantaged/information poor individuals has been identified as a major obstacle to the efficient use of e-government systems. We are able to provide low cost internet access that will help to overcome this problem.back>>


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Last modified: 23/04/03